Thursday, July 21, 2022

Here comes the weather

Tucked up in the relative calm of Pancake Creek whilst wind and rain do their thing, it seemed like a good day for some admin tasks.
Yes, once again this trip our auto-helm is refusing to do its share of the steering. 
Different to last year's problem we seem to have sheared teeth off three of the nine little plastic cogs that drive the steering wheel.
After a few hours trying to solve this problem I gave up and installed an alternative auto-helm named Jean to see us through the next few months
Stop press: we survived a woolly night in good shape. There were a few post-midnight trips on deck in gale conditions to investigate things that go bump in the night.
One of our neighbours had a few more bumps than us.
Hopefully they sleep on their side.


  1. You guys look like real sailors! Hopefully Jean will keep you safe from now on. That neighbour of yours looks a bit sideways. Hope they are ok. Love to both of you x

  2. Ahoy there, hope you are both warm and safe! Great shots and problem solving skills 😃 Charlie says hi too xx C&M

  3. Looks fabulous! Stay safe because I’m sure you forgot to pack Wilson the volleyball. I am enjoying sharing your adventure from my warm lounge. Xx Nicoli


Everything since last time

And suddenly, we find ourselves back in Moreton Bay. A combination of bad internet connection and apathy in the blog-posting dep...