Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Island Head Creek

First night in Island Head Creek: Anchorage in one of the side creeks. 
Nowhere to go ashore, so we did a bit of mangrove fishing in the dinghy and (luckily) didn't land the catfish that were chasing Cameron's lure.
Our anchor alarm woke us at 4:30 and 5:30, as the SW picked up in intensity - so we got to enjoy the sunrise. 
Second night: Anchorage upstream was the only place where our phone-up-the-mast trick worked to give us some phone/internet access.
Third night: Shifted to the northern anchorage with access to the beach and rocks and fish of varying desirability.
We've decided that this is our turnaround point and we're heading back south. A glimpse of Pinetrees Point to the north as we departed Island Head Creek.
Island Head Creek, with Pearl Bay to the east.  


  1. Aww, it makes me a bit sad to see you heading back south. Hopefully it will get a bit warmer now.

  2. Remember to keep heading south once you get to Brisbane. Another 380 NM or so.

    with love, the Sydney chapter of the Hey There Fan Club.


Everything since last time

And suddenly, we find ourselves back in Moreton Bay. A combination of bad internet connection and apathy in the blog-posting dep...