Friday, August 12, 2022

Rosslyn Bay to Port Clinton

Pick the correct answer:
- Those bean sprouts are getting a bit whiffy. We should finish them up.
- Those bean sprouts are getting a bit whiffy. We should throw them out.

Jean, being lucky enough to have had dental surgery that day chose to restrict herself to a Cuppa Soup for dinner so I finished up various odds and ends, (including the hydroponically home grown bean sprouts) we had left before restocking. Anyway the stomach cramps and vomiting abated around midnight leaving us with 5 hours sleep before taking the early shift to Port Clinton.
Port Clinton, Pearl Bay and Island Head Creek are spectacular anchorages within the Shoalwater Military Training Area.
As long as there are no Notices to Mariners warning of live firing, boaties are reasonably free to make their way around.
Port Clinton is a bit like the most beautiful parts of Sydney Harbour without the evidence of humans. And for my money the better thereof. 
Plenty of fish to be had and we find ourselves needing to be a little more inventive in how we serve it up. 
It was in Port Clinton that our outboard issues started. Luckily Cameron had been working out on the rowing machine before we left Brisbane, as rowing against those Port Clinton spring tides is not easy.

1 comment:

  1. Poisoned by Jean’s sprouts! Glad these delicious fish are helping, you can row in any conditions. It does look beautiful.


Everything since last time

And suddenly, we find ourselves back in Moreton Bay. A combination of bad internet connection and apathy in the blog-posting dep...