Saturday, October 22, 2022

Everything since last time

And suddenly, we find ourselves back in Moreton Bay. A combination of bad internet connection and apathy in the blog-posting department means we have a lot to catch up on. 
First we stopped in for hot showers at the marina at Burnett Heads. This required 5 hours of punching into the wind for an overnight anchorage in Bustard Bay and then a 10 hour sail with wind, no wind, rain, thunder, whales and not one but two fish (unfortunately mac tuna, so not keepers) caught on our otherwise untested trolling lines. 
Cameron then spent three days investigating the leak in our engine water pump, which involved a lot of swearing at nuts that wouldn't loosen and belts that wouldn't tighten. Plus numerous calls to our chief engineer (Cameron's dad) for advice.
Then another 10 hour sail in light winds to get to K'gari (Fraser Island).  
We spent a couple of weeks at various spots in Platypus Bay, depending on which way the wind blew.
As well as a visit to Sandy Cape in the north.
Cameron got into the tailor and squid.
By then we'd run out of food and beer and fuel, so did some shopping at Urangan.
Back into the Sandy Straits as we continued our run south by whatever means available.
A long 14 hour sail from Double Island Point, keeping a sharp look out for passing boat traffic.
Ending back in Moreton Bay for one last fishing adventure.

Everything since last time

And suddenly, we find ourselves back in Moreton Bay. A combination of bad internet connection and apathy in the blog-posting dep...