Tuesday, July 5, 2022

And... they're off

 We've shrugged off winter, jobs and other such trivia and pointed Georgie Girl once more in the direction of northern climes.

Did a few practice sails in Moreton Bay.

Handed over the keys to our apartment and took train + bus out to the boat.

A little shocked to get off the bus and see one of the boats from our neighbourhood half-sinking. (We heard later that Redcliffe Coast Guard bailed them out - well they probably had to do that themselves but Coast Guard towed them out of trouble.)

We're hoping it won't happen to us. Having only one hull, we should notice pretty fast if we're sinking - right?

In any case, we're off.

1 comment:

Everything since last time

And suddenly, we find ourselves back in Moreton Bay. A combination of bad internet connection and apathy in the blog-posting dep...